Secure Messaging

Hold urgent conversations on sensitive topics in a fully encrypted, user friendly portal, improving communication and reducing vulnerability in the process.

Data Room & Secure File Sharing
Securely share and collaborate in real-time on sensitive and confidential documentation from any device, anywhere. Set detailed access permissions to prevent unauthorized access.
Board Voting & Resolutions
Submit, record and securely store signed documentation or resolution outcomes, easing the burden of board administration.
Keeping Information Secure 24/7
When security matters and you need to shield sensitive materials and conversations from unauthorized access, Diligent delivers time after time.
Collaborate From Any Location With Confidence
  • Share, edit, collaborate and store documents on an encrypted, secure platform that can be accessed from any device, anywhere, making it easier to work from multiple offices or geographic locations
  • Authorize internal or external personnel to edit documents without giving full access to confidential information and conversations
  • Edit documents in real-time with integrations for Microsoft 365
Make Critical Decisions on the Move
  • Send documents for legally binding digital signatures through integrated DocuSign technology
  • Gain approval or signatures from one or multiple parties for a proposal or document at the click of a button
  • Conduct votes and resolutions, immediately tallying and recording results as participants respond
This is where Text3 goes
Communicate in a Secure Closed Network
  • Discuss confidential subjects and board topics in a secure, closed loop instant messaging system that complies with data retention policies and uses face recognition technology to prevent unauthorized access
  • Create groups to discuss specific topics or hold 1:1 conversations, setting alerts to highlight urgent or critical messages
  • Prevent sensitive data and confidential information from leaking to unauthorized personnel by keeping all communications on a separate channel
Making Collaboration Easier For Today’s Business Leaders
Learn more about how our solutions for board collaboration can help your team to communicate more effectively without jeopardizing security, even when working remotely.

Related Insights & Resources


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