Modern Solutions for Modern Organizations

GRC for modern governance
Modern Governance
Digitize board materials, secure sensitive data, easily manage entities and design strategic compensation plans. 
GRC for modern risk
Modern Risk
Integrate risk management activities in a single platform. Eliminate errors, save time and save costs.
GRC for modern audit
Modern Audit
Drive efficiency across audit workflows with built-in best practices, time-saving automation and enhanced reporting.
GRC for modern compliance
Modern Compliance
Create a culture of ethics, ensure regulatory compliance and get real-time oversight into compliance programs. 
Modern ESG
Centralize the data you need to set and surpass your environmental, social and governance goals.
GRC for modern leadership
Modern Leadership
Diversify your board, access a broad network of candidates and align succession planning to corporate strategy. 

Connect Governance to Risk, Audit & Compliance

A unified GRC program digitally transforms how your organization collects, analyzes and acts on data. Integrate GRC so you can accelerate progress on key objectives, proactively spot risks and opportunities, and make a greater impact.
  • Defend governance decisions with confidence
  • Monitor, mitigate and remediate risk
  • Protect sensitive information and privileged communications
  • Collaborate from a single source of truth 
  • Create an organization-wide culture of compliance and ethics
  • Accelerate and track ESG progress
GRC software solution for modern governance
Boards & Leadership
Digitally Transform Your Governance Practices
Today’s leaders often must navigate disparate tools, data, integrations and processes. Modern governance brings these pieces together – so boards and leaders throughout the organisation have the information they need, when they need it. 
Risk Management
Reduce the Cost of Managing Risk
Collaborate in a single source of truth, reduce errors and save time by working from one automated risk platform.
Create a Culture of Ethics & Compliance
Real-time, enterprise-wide oversight ensures compliance teams, boards and leaders have the insights they need to foster a culture of compliance and integrity.
Achieve Your ESG Goals
Streamline and automate multiple methods of data collection, generate auditable reports, and use automation to monitor progress toward ESG goals. ​
aboriginal woman apprentice at solar farm
Turn Critical Data Into Actionable Insights

Streamline and secure governance processes. Mitigate risk and provide company-wide assurance. Create a culture of ethics and compliance.

See Diligent's GRC solutions in action today.

Related Insights & Resources

Organizations need a holistic, contextual awareness of GRC to see the intricate relationships of objectives, risks and integrity of the enterprise. This approach needs to start with the board.
Create Value by Bringing Risk, Audit & Compliance into the Boardroom
white paper
Unintegrated, siloed GRC efforts expose organizations to enormous risks and gaps in strategic decision-making. Follow the best practices in this guide to create a holistic view of GRC across the organization.
Agile operations can be invaluable in advancing your governance, risk and compliance strategy (GRC). Here we explore how forward-thinking organizations implement agility within GRC — along with actionable tips for boards and CROs to implement and maintain an agile approach to GRC.
The board sets the corporate risk agenda, relying on accurate, robust governance risk and compliance data to do so. How can you ensure your GRC data is current and comprehensive, and what role should technology play?
Integrating a Top-Down Board View of GRC With a Bottom-Up Operational View of GRC
GRC is achieving objectives reliably (governance), addressing uncertainty (risk management) and acting with integrity (compliance). To be successful requires a top-down view from the board, coupled with a bottom-up operational approach.