board diversity

Equip Your Board With the Talent to Succeed

At a time when diversity is more important – and more necessary – than ever, who sits around the boardroom table matters. A consistent focus on board composition can help you build the most effective board possible.

  • Benchmark the skills of your board and spot potential gaps
  • Make board refreshment and succession planning a priority
  • Run a more diverse, equitable and inclusive nominations process
  • Keep a pulse on what shareholders and stakeholders are saying about your board
Find Room for Improvement

A board with diverse skill sets is more aligned with the needs of today’s consumers, employees and shareholders. Identifying areas to enhance board skills keeps your organisation ready for any challenge or opportunity.

  • Compare your board composition and director skill sets to your peers and competitors
  • See your board composition through the eyes of proxy advisors and investors
  • Access an extensive database to identify a diverse range of candidates and skill sets

You’re Only as Good as Your Reputation

In a data-driven age where information is available all the time, it’s vital that you don’t lose track of what’s being said about your organisation – and that you have the tools to quickly remedy problems as they arise.
  • Keep a pulse on what shareholders and stakeholders are saying about your board, and see if your composition is coming under public scrutiny
  • Leverage the latest research tools to analyse, classify and group news stories to highlight areas of risk and opportunity
  • Precisely tune your corporate strategy and oversight based on the most current data
Align Succession Planning With Your Strategy

Continued prosperity relies on effective succession planning. Get the tools to make board refreshment and succession a priority – and put your organisation ahead of the competition.

  • Assess board and director effectiveness with a secure, intuitive tool conveniently located alongside other board governance materials
  • Integrate action items into board meeting agendas to ensure feedback is incorporated into strategic plans
  • Put valuable board self-assessment data at your fingertips

Dive Deeper Into the Talent Pool

Run a more diverse and inclusive nominations process. Broaden the field of candidates. Ensure that your board and executive teams reflect the world today.
  • Access candidates sourced from diversity-focused leadership groups, nominated by current board members or from within the existing Diligent community
  • Utilise Diligent Director Network to post board opportunities and attract a wider field of skilled candidates in your search process​
  • Engage in a community with other directors to share insights, best practices and strategies to drive diversity
Build the Board Best Suited to Today’s Risks & Opportunities
Forward-thinking organisations need forward-thinking boards.
See how Diligent helps future-proof your organisation with greater board diversity.

Related Insights & Resources


Today’s corporate focus on ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues is very welcome, but one obstacle to diversity and inclusion remains stubbornly resistant: the lavender ceiling. 


In this episode of The Corporate Director Podcast, Esther Aguilera, President and CEO of the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA), details the struggle for greater Latino representation in public company boardrooms, and what her organisation is doing to help.


In this episode of The Corporate Director Podcast, TK Kerstetter, host of Inside America's Boardrooms, shares his advice for strengthening board evaluations in 2021.