A Comprehensive Solution for Good Governance Oversight

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Stay up-to-date with rapidly changing standards by comparing your governance practices against over 6,000 public company profiles

  • Easily search and compare a variety of company disclosures, from SEC filings to ESG reports and press releases, using customizable search settings and filters
  • Gain insights on peer board effectiveness, financial performance, executive pay and more
  • Set up and receive alerts on key governance movements and changes in your industry
Proactively Manage Your Organization’s Reputation

Gain a better understanding of your organization’s reputation, driving you to make more effective decisions going forward.

  • Benefit from a comprehensive external and internal review of your organization’s ESG posture over time
  • Benchmark your findings against industry peers to justify critical business decisions
  • Effectively deploy internal and external PR strategies to manage and steer external conversations, mitigating negative press
Executive Compensation 8.2

Related Insights & Resources

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Here, we outline the four most important questions boards should be asking when selecting governance technology.
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Shareholder activist focus on – and action against – individual directors is becoming increasingly common. In this checklist we take a look at five of the most prominent issues raised by activist shareholders and outline
Phoebe Wood
In this episode, Phoebe Wood overviews best practices in shareholder monitoring and engagement.